Lady Gaga Drinks Kendall-Jackson Overseas

By Kendall-Jackson 
In: News

There’s something refreshing about a leading-edge icon having such refined tastes. By now it’s pretty common knowledge that Lady Gaga requests two bottles of white wine before her concerts. We’re thrilled that, in addition to being such an oenophile, she has great taste.

Around these parts, we all remember when The Smoking Gun first printed the backstage rider of Lady Gaga, specifying her desire to drink white wine pre-show.

We might have done a little dancing in the vineyards when we saw that Kendall-Jackson was a preferred wine indicated by her rider.

Word makes its way back from the Old World via Wine of the Week confirming her wine preferences have remained the same.  According to the report, someone close to her Irish tour leaked a copy of her rider to the press. The report finds that the pop diva is still requesting two bottles of white wine before every show.

People Magazine in August reported on Lady Gaga’s diet, interviewing her choreographer LaurieAnn Gibson. According to the article, Gibson talked about the role wine plays before a show.

“We’ll have a toast or two with a little white wine,” Gibson said.

Well Lady Gaga,  we’d like to say:

Roma-Roma-ma-ah!  Ga-Ga, ooh-la-la!

We hope that this loosely translates to “Glad you enjoy the wine.”