7 Picnic Essentials

By Kendall-Jackson 
In: Entertaining

The weather is warming up and why not take advantage of it! You & your friends have been cooped up for much too long, right? Get your crew together, pack a picnic and head to your local park.

Picnic Essentials

  • K-J AVANT Chardonnay: Our fresh take on Chardonnay packs the perfect flavor profile for picnic foods. The best part? No corkscrew required. K-J AVANT has a screwcap!
  • Ice: Pack a small cooler with ice to freshen soft drinks and keep your wine chilled. Speaking of the wine, pick up a wine chiller sleeve that you keep in the freezer – easy wine chilling to go.
  • Finger foods: Sandwich fixin’s are the perfect picnic friend. Pack high quality mustards, fresh sliced bread, fresh baby greens, avocado freshly sliced tomatoes, proscuitto, provolone, and black pepper turkey to kick your picnic up a notch. Kettle-cooked chips, a veggie tray with spinach dip and brownie bites round out the basket. Don’t forget the salt & pepper.
  • Blanket: Invest in a picnic blanket that is plastic on one side and cozy fabric on the other. No need to have the spring rains come through your blanket and ruin the day. Cheap tip: use a plastic shower liner and put that down first with your blanket on top.
  • Picnic ware: go green and get compostable plates & utensils. Use recycled paper napkins. Bring a knife to cut veggies and a small cutting board. Leave these in your picnic basket all the time so you don’t forget them. While you’re at it, keep a corkscrew in there too, just in case you want to bring along a cork-finished bottle of K-J. Don’t forget the trash bags – clean up when you’re ready to head out.
  • Portable speakers: Put on that perfect Spring playlist and enjoy the friend you haven’t seen for a while: the sun!
  • Games: Bring card games, board games, frisbee, baseball & mitt – anything to enjoy the day with friends, and maybe make some new ones!