New Year's Eve Cake Topper DIY

By Lauren Kelp 
In: Entertaining

Hello, hello my festive friends! Lauren here and today we are talking about how to add a little something special to your New Year’s celebration this year. Whether you are having some friends over, a big blog out bash, or just you and the significant other, little details and special touches totally make the occasion something to remember.

Wildly easy to make & super fun to customize, this New Year's Eve Cake Topper DIY is perfect for almost every occasion!

To be honest, I am not a big DIY-er, but I can’t resist decorating the top of a cake. Between the sprinkles, frosting, and little do-dads to put on top, I have a bit of a field day. My husband and I got married on New Year’s Eve, so this year, I wanted to class my DIY skills up a bit and decided to make these adorable cake toppers.

Wildly easy to make & super fun to customize, this New Year's Eve Cake Topper DIY is perfect for almost every occasion!

Wildly easy to make & super fun to customize, this New Year's Eve Cake Topper DIY is perfect for almost every occasion! Grab a glass of wine (I feel like K-J AVANT Red Blend is perfect for those fun, spur of the moment crafty feelings), some wooden skewers, a little glitter & let’s get started!

Wildly easy to make & super fun to customize, this New Year's Eve Cake Topper DIY is perfect for almost every occasion!

Materials Needed:

  • Wooden skewers
  • Cardboard
  • Glue
  • Glitter
  • Fun paper
  • Modge Podge (or basic craft glue)
  • Paintbrush
  • Tape


  1. Grab a glass of K-J AVANT Red Blend and let’s get started!
  2. Clear off a nice flat surface (dining room table is perfect) and lay your sheet of cardboard down. Stencil or write big block letters to cut out for your topper. We cut out N, Y, & E for an “NYE” topper, but “HOORAY” or “2017” is great as well.
  3.  Grab a nice pair of sharp scissors & cut your letters out.
  4. Pour a small amount of modge podge (or craft glue) into a bowl and paint one side of your letter with a thin layer of glue. Once covered, sprinkle glitter to cover. Tap off the extra and repeat until fully covered. Set letters aside to dry.
  5. While your letters are drying, grab your fun paper and cut out shapes. We cut out large rectangles, but feel free to cut out circles, squares, or mix & match.
  6. Once letters are dry, place tape on the non-glittered side of the letter and tape to the front of the paper. Flip paper over and glue/tape your wooden skewer.
  7. Stick in your cake, baked good, or festive arrangement & voila!

Wildly easy to make & super fun to customize, this New Year's Eve Cake Topper DIY is perfect for almost every occasion!

So, what do you think? Easy & super fun right?! I am telling you, throw on a good record, sip some delicious K-J AVANT Red Blend, and get your craft on.

Wildly easy to make & super fun to customize, this New Year's Eve Cake Topper DIY is perfect for almost every occasion!

Feel free to play around with your words. Depending on the size of your cake (or baked good), you can play with “HOORAY,” “2017,” “CELEBRATE,” “CHEERS” – you name it! The list (clearly) goes on & on.

Wildly easy to make & super fun to customize, this New Year's Eve Cake Topper DIY is perfect for almost every occasion!

Enjoy & happy hosting!