The Perfect Spread for a Day at the Lake

By Lauren Kelp 
In: Recipes

Hello, hello! Lauren here from and I know how this looks – a beautiful spread for a day at the lake, yea right! But, here’s the thing, it’s so easy! I promise, by the end of this post, you’ll be packing the most beautiful spread in no time flat. Don’t believe me? Scroll down and I’ll show you…

While the afternoons are still lazy & the air is still warm, grab some friends and get to the lake! Throw a few bottles of #KJAVANT in a basket, round up some buddies, and your simple, yet photo worthy spread, and spend a day exploring!

Summer is winding down, but we just aren’t ready to let it go just yet. We called up some friends and roped them in to a last minute trip to the lake to get out of town & celebrate the last of the dog days.

See the full adventure here!

While the afternoons are still lazy & the air is still warm, grab some friends and get to the lake! Throw a few bottles of #KJAVANT in a basket, round up some buddies, and your simple, yet photo worthy spread, and spend a day exploring!

Okay, okay, let’s get to it. This spread; it’s awesome, it’s easy, and it’s way better than hotdogs and greasy potato chips.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good slider, but when you want to jazz things up a bit, it’s fun to have some variety! That’s why we invented the “anything goes” spread. It’s comprised of anything and everything that’s in your fridge, can be eaten with your fingers, and is easy to share.

While the afternoons are still lazy & the air is still warm, grab some friends and get to the lake! Throw a few bottles of #KJAVANT in a basket, round up some buddies, and your simple, yet photo worthy spread, and spend a day exploring!While the afternoons are still lazy & the air is still warm, grab some friends and get to the lake! Throw a few bottles of #KJAVANT in a basket, round up some buddies, and your simple, yet photo worthy spread, and spend a day exploring!

Have some fruit? Great, add it to the bag!

Nuts, cheese, a chocolate bar in the pantry? Perfect! Throw it in.

The best part is that there is no clean up, no plates needed, and everyone can snack and graze as they please.

To bulk up your board, we’ve whipped up a no-fuss item that will leave you feeling very fancy without the fuss! Trust me, we are very anti-fuss…

While the afternoons are still lazy & the air is still warm, grab some friends and get to the lake! Throw a few bottles of #KJAVANT in a basket, round up some buddies, and your simple, yet photo worthy spread, and spend a day exploring!

Melon & Proscuitto Skewers
  • 1 medium cantaloupe, cut into 1-inch cubes
  • 8 oz. thinly sliced prosciutto
  • 20 small mozerella balls
  • fresh parsley
  • balsamic reduction
  1. Thread cantaloupe, prosciutto, and mozerella onto skewers.
  2. Sprinkle with fresh parsley
  3. Serve with balsamic reduction, to taste


While the afternoons are still lazy & the air is still warm, grab some friends and get to the lake! Throw a few bottles of #KJAVANT in a basket, round up some buddies, and your simple, yet photo worthy spread, and spend a day exploring! While the afternoons are still lazy & the air is still warm, grab some friends and get to the lake! Throw a few bottles of #KJAVANT in a basket, round up some buddies, and your simple, yet photo worthy spread, and spend a day exploring!

While the afternoons are still lazy & the air is still warm, grab some friends and get to the lake! Throw a few bottles of K-J AVANT in a basket, round up some buddies, and your simple, yet photo worthy spread, and spend a day exploring!

While the afternoons are still lazy & the air is still warm, grab some friends and get to the lake! Throw a few bottles of K-J AVANT in a basket, round up some buddies, and your simple, yet photo worthy spread, and spend a day exploring!

Photography by Constance Higley