Goat Cheese Enchiladas & Sauvignon Blanc

By Lauren Kelp 
In: Recipes

Well, howdy friends! Lauren here from your favorite thoughtful entertaining website & today we are sharing the perfect meal to kick off the week! They are easy to make, can feed an army and are great for leftovers. Pour yourself a glass of Kendall-Jackson Sauvignon Blanc and get ready for the most delicious meal Monday has ever given you. Trust me, you’ll want to make this a weekly tradition.

These Goat Cheese Enchiladas are easy to make, can feed an army and are great for leftovers.

Okay, but before we get started, we have to go over something. If you have ever made enchiladas before, you know that there is nothing worse than a soggy tortilla. All that beautiful hard work & you go in for your first bite and the tortilla breaks – it’s heartbreaking!

Oh, but have no fear my friends, because this is an easily avoidable fate. All you have to do is quickly fry your corn tortillas until they get a bit of color. Don’t char them or make them two crispy, just a few seconds on either side until spots start to brown. Do that & you’ll never make a soggy enchilada ever again!

These Goat Cheese Enchiladas are easy to make, can feed an army and are great for leftovers.

Goat Cheese Enchiladas & Suavignon Blanc
  • 5 cups of zucchini
  • 3 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
  • 2 tsp. of lemon pepper
  • 5 chopped green onions
  • 1 15 oz. can black beans (rinsed and drained)
  • 5 oz. soft crumbled goat cheese
  • 10-12 handfuls of corn tortillas
  • 12 oz. red enchilada sauce
  • 1 bunch of chopped cilantro
  • 2 diced avocados
  • Squeeze of lime
  1. Pour yourself a glass of Kendall-Jackson Sauvignon Blanc & preheat oven to 425 degrees. In a medium sized mixing bowl, combine the zucchini, olive oil, and lemon pepper & toss until coated completely. Place the zucchini on a rimmed baking tray and roast for about 30 minutes (or until the edges are brown). Remove to cool & turn the oven down to 375.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the onion, black been, cooled zucchini, and 4 oz. of the goat cheese & gently toss together to combine.In a rectangular pyrex (or other over safe rectangle dish), pour the enchilada sauce to cover the bottom of the dish (about ½ a cup).
  3. Going one tortilla at a time, fill it with a about ¼ cup of the filling and roll it up like a burrito (just don't tuck the end) & lay it in the dish (fold side down). Continue rolling the tortillas & snuggling them in tight next to each other. Brush the tops of the tortillas with the leftover olive oil with your fingers & pour the remaining sauce over the top and sprinkle reserved goat cheese on top.
  4. Bake until the tops are slightly crispy (about 20-25 minutes). Allow them to cool for a few minutes & top with lots of chopped cilantro, diced avocado, and a healthy squeeze of lime.
  5. Pour a round of Sauvignon Blanc & dive right in!

These Goat Cheese Enchiladas are easy to make, can feed an army and are great for leftovers.

For more food and wine pairing ideas, visit the Entertaining section of our website.

photography by Constance Higley